Bed Comparison

Adjustable Bed Comparison: Single vs Dual Motor Beds

An adjustable bed is a lifestyle investment for anyone with mobility issues, back pain, joint conditions, or disabilities. A quality bed not only soothes aches and pains, but it can help you get a good night’s sleep and enjoy the many health benefits that come with a restful night. If you are looking for the perfect electric bed for your home, you’ll find a wide selection of models on the Adjustable Beds Comparison website from industry-leading brands, but they are not all made the same. In this guide, we’ll explain the key difference between single motor adjustable beds and dual motor adjustable beds to help you make a more informed decision.

Single Motor Adjustable Beds

As the name suggests, single motor adjustable beds have just one motor that allows you to raise and lower both the head and the foot simultaneously. Both ends move slowly to help you achieve a comfortable position, but with this type of electric bed, you cannot raise one end without elevating the other. When you lift the top of the mattress into a sitting position, the bottom will automatically lift too. Adjustable beds with a single motor are well-suited to the elderly and those with minor mobility concerns.

Dual Motor Adjustable Beds

Dual-motor adjustable beds feature powerful electronics that allow you to lower and raise the head and foot of the mattress independently. You can lift your legs to ease back pain while keeping the rest of the bed completely flat, and you can elevate yourself into the sitting position without raising your legs. This type of electric bed offers endless sitting and sleeping positions, making it ideal for those with reduced mobility and medical conditions that make getting in and out of bed difficult.

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